Frequently Asked Questions



Why get an Intuitive tarot reading by Margaret?

Margaret has many years experience in giving accurate tarot card readings, and even more years using her intuition and psychic visions to help her achieve success in her life. Margaret has a unique connection to the spirit world, where spirit are able to pass messages to her through Automatic writing, messages that guide us.

Margaret also understands that during times of stress and emotional upset, tuning in to your own personal guidance system, your intuition can be difficult. During these times when you are seeking answers you feel your own answers are influenced by your own hopes and desires. Having someone else like Margaret look at your situation from an outside perspective, from a spiritual perspective, can shed great light and clarity. 

How do I complete your reading?

I use a recent photo of yourself, your birthdate, and your full name to make a connection with your energy. Through my gift of sensitivity, I can tune into people via their photograph, and I get feelings about them and I start to hear messages for them.

I start by entering a deep meditative state, where I invite spirit to connect with me.  I will read the tarot cards using my intuition and psychic vision, and at the same time have access to a constant stream of spiritual guidance from my spirit guides and angels.

It is for this reason I am unable to conduct face-to-face readings as I cannot receive any interruptions to this process. 

I will hand write your personal reading and send it to your preferred email address.

What happens after I purchase a reading?

Once you have purchased your reading, I will make contact with you to confirm your booking within 24 hours. I will complete your reading within 14 days (unless otherwise notified), and email this to you.

Do you relay negativity that comes in my reading, or only positive information?

I feel that the only way to give an accurate reading, is to be honest. I will pass on all information received by me throughout your tarot reading.

What exactly is a reading? Are you speaking with dead people? Are you reading an Aura?

A reading involves me tuning into your energy and allowing messages to come through me for you from my higher self, Spirit guides and Angels.. 
A tarot reading from me, involves using a traditional tarot deck of 72 cards. Each card representing different stages in a person’s life. These cards are shuffled and laid out in a spread. This gives insight into past, present and future events surrounding you. For me as an intuitive, I use the tarot cards along with my own intuition and spiritual guidance  to form a more personalised reading for you.

Can you help me communicate with deceased family members?

Although I do sometimes make a connection with a deceased person close to you during your reading, in this case I will pass on these messages to you.

Are you ever not able to perform an adequate reading?

I pride myself on my ability to read Tarot and connect with spirit, but in the rare case that a reading cannot be adequately undertaken, you will be notified and a full refund issued.

What is the timeframe for receiving my reading?
14 days(unless otherwise notified) as I really want to give the client the best reading possible without rushing the process.

Do you do phone readings?
Currently I do not offer phone readings.

Do you do readings for animals?

Can you do readings as a gift for someone other than myself, without them knowing?
No.  I will need to hear from the person directly that they wish to receive a reading. Choosing to have a reading done is a very personal decision.
I can however offer gift certificates to allow for a reading to be offered as a gift.

What do you require in order to perform a reading? (a photo etc?)

  • A recent photo of yourself, with no one else in it.

  • Your birthdate.

  • Your full name.

How long have you been performing readings?
I have been performing tarot readings for 20 years. I have been automatic writing and connecting with spirit for 20 years.

How did you come to find that this is something you could do?
I have always known things before they happened, this begun as a child. I found learning to read tarot cards as an adult, helped me to channel my psychic visions, in a more fluent way. Tarot cards helped me open the door for my natural intuition to come through, as well as opening a door for spiritual guidance .

Have you had any successful readings?

I have given many successful readings over the 12 years. I am extremely passionate about guiding people through Intuitive tarot readings. I believe the guidance I bring though is easily understood by the client, and resonates with the client's situation.

How is a reading different from a Tarot Card Reading?

A psychic reading may be given in many ways, with a psychic connecting to the person through an item of jewellery or a photograph, or the person present. 
Tarot readings are different as they are performed using a tarot deck made up of 72 cards. Each of the tarot cards reflects a stage or event in a person’s life journey. 
Cards are shuffled and then laid out in a spread. With the tarot readers knowledge of the cards, they interpret the card meanings and share them with the person. The tarot spread gives insight into the client's past, present and future.


I live interstate, can I still receive a Advanced Energy Healing from Margaret?

YES! Absolutely, the beauty of energy healing is that it can be performed via distance.  Margaret is a very skilled practitioner, who regularly treats clients via distance. They report the same healing benefits that they experience in an 'in person' consultation.

Do I need more than one treatment to feel any benefits from Advanced Energy Healing?

No, people experience great benefits in their first consultation. The process of cleaning up one's energy field and balancing their chakras, triggers a persons innate healing process, with benefits that can often be felt immediately.

How long does an Advanced Energy Healing session go for?

The first consultation is often the longest, as Margaret will ask you questions about what you would like her to work on in your session. And time is allocated for you to ask any questions you may have, also time after the healing for you to discuss results, and ask any further questions.
Allow 90 minutes for first consultation.
Follow up consultations are approximately 60 minutes.

How much will it cost?

Initial consultation (90 minutes)- $145
Follow Up Consultation (60 minutes)-$95

I have always thought there was a strange energy in my house, I'm not really sure what it is, or whether it may be haunted, can Margaret do an Energy Healing on a house?

This is not a strange question at all, many people feel an energy in their house and they are not sure of the origins. Margaret has many skills, and as an intuitive she is able to feel the energy within a home, and able to identify whether an energy is a blockage or indeed a spirit. Advanced Energy healing techniques can be used to release stagnant energy, and bring in healing energy into a space. Margaret can attempt to connect psychically with a spirit and move them on. This is a specialised process, please call or email Margaret directly to discuss.

Margaret 0400 036 608




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Margie is an exceptionally talented tarot card reader. Her unique readings are insightful and are written with such beauty and kindness. I have had many readings throughout the years, with various different people. And have never come across someone whom is so talented and accurate. I highly recommend a reading with Margie.
— D. Waters